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Next Level Guy

May 28, 2018

Episode: #42 Chad Wesley Smith on how to become a Juggernaut man

Who: Today’s guest is Chad Wesley Smith who is the owner of Juggernaut Training Systems, a top 20 Ranked raw powerlifter of all-time, author, speaker & coach.

As his about page outlines: Chad is one of...

May 15, 2018

The Basics



Episode: #41 Rachel Hoffman on how to Unf*ck your Habitat

Who: Today’s guest is Rachel Hoffman, founder of 'Unf*ck your Habitat' and author of the awesome book of the same name. 

I was trying to think how best to sum up Rachel's great work when I came across her about page and I think it sums it...

May 1, 2018


Episode: #40 Eric Bandholz on Beards, brands and building your own beardbrand

Who: Today’s guest is entrepreneur and founder of Beardbrand, Eric Bandholz. He has built a very successful business in teaching and providing men with amazing grooming products and advice on how to build your facial hair into your...